Forms of media

Yes U/A is taking it to the next level by introducing, 22nd century technology with Napoleon at the helm. Yes breaking barriers with new technologies. He asks one question, why not?

We all recognize with each passing decade, entertainment media evolve. Once it was vaudeville, radio, films, and now television and the Internet, so what methods of communications are coming next?  These methods will derive from Napoleon.

Media storage came with the record disc, reel to reel, 8 track tapes, cassette tape, CD and the DVD!

Napoleon is now working on six new forms of media and will have one ready for release every two years, to be used by our sponsors exclusively to increase their bottom line!

We all know that American companies are now outsourcing American jobs. Why? The answer is greed that has created homelessness throughout the United States!

Napoleon wants to create and develop new products and services capable of going head to head with the Asian and Indian market, where they create low cost products from slave labor! 

Napoleon has found the formula to compete against these markets by using their same rule of fairness and we all are familiar that one does not exist!

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